Aerosol. With protective film.
Aerosol containing 228 ml
High-adhesion hemostatic healing curabichera.
Healing, antimyasic, repellent, antimicrobial, epithelializing and highly adherent hemostatic for topical use. Bug killer spray.
Each 100 grams of concentrate contains: Silver Sulfadiazine 0.1 grams; Aluminum 5.0 grams; DDVP 1.6 grams; Cypermethrin 0.4 grams and excipients cs
Preventive and curative treatment of bugs in all types of wounds in bovine, equine, ovine, goat, porcine and canine species. With larvicidal, antimicrobial, hemostatic and healing properties. It can be used on animals of any age, including newborns. It forms a protective film that eliminates bleeding. Prevents myiasis in routine work (surgery, navel, dehorning, dehorning) thanks to its repellent power.
Administration and dosage:
Shake the container several times before applying. Spray the wound or boat evenly from a distance of 10 cm, ensuring the penetration of the product into the wound. Also apply around it, forming a 5 cm halo. In the case of deep potholes, it is necessary to ensure the penetration of the product into the cavities. In the case of myiasis, the application can be repeated once a day until cured. The number of applications as a preventive depends on the type of wound and environmental conditions, but in the case of navel bug, a single application is recommended within 24 hours of birth. In case of castration wounds, 2 applications separated by 72 hours are recommended.